Liceu in America - Diana Irena Stanciulescu
Colegiul National Ion. C. Bratianu Pitesti
"Diana is completely fluent in American English! She is a lovely young woman with a bright future ahead of her! The host family will miss her a lot, they are very close and have enjoyed this year very much! Diana was very successful academically and socially. She made many friends at Monroe Woodbury High School and in her local community/neighborhood. Diana was very successful this year, a very positive experience for Diana and her host family. She enjoyed her stay in NY and had a very positive experience. She is a bright and charming , beautiful young woman who has a bright and shiny future ahead!"
Diana's Progress Report
"Ieri am fost in NYC toata ziua, in Manhattan. Sunt fascinata, m-am indragostit de Manhattan, nu vreau sa traiesc in alta parte. Este exact stilul meu, haotic dar organizat si este singurul oras in care am vazut asa o diversitate de culturi si oameni. Superb! Abia astept sa ma intorc weekend-ul viitor."
Diana a studiat la un liceu in Statele Unite, Monroe Woodbury High School in Central Valley, New York iar actualmente este Medic Rezident Cardiolog la Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta Bucuresti.